Friday 5 December 2008

Quality Street, It's Christmas

Such a beautifully designed advert, plus the fact the moving part are all animated sweets which you don't notice at first, the music is so soft and really evokes a christmas mood, i loved it last year and this year just brings back even more lovely memories.

Tuesday 2 December 2008


This is the final layout for the Don't Panic, community poster. I have used a quote by Cicero which i thought to be appropriate. The dolls will be laser-cut and then folded to show my initial idea.

Monday 1 December 2008

Richard Robinson

Another catching piece of art work by Richard Robinson, I absolutley love the different styles he has, from simple type and image to immaculatley designed photoshoots.
This vector image for PLayboy really catch my eye, not usually a fan of vector graphics, but this is very striking use of colour and simplicity.

Sunday 23 November 2008

National Gallery

The National Gallery created an outdoor advertising campaign to encourage and high light the images, shown in the gallery. It appeals more to a younger audience as it is ambient media and more interactive which is what I want to create for my campaign in a similar way.

Saturday 22 November 2008

National Portrait Gallery

These are the quickest ever mock ups in photoshop of what i would like my campaign for the National Portrait Gallery to look like. Simple idea of window stickers and direct mail shots so people could be creative with the frames.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Cut and Paste 07

When looking through some aold b its and bobs i came across this poster i got last year from Vice magazine. It was a quirky cut and paste design based brief for Boxfresh. Basically you8 just had to Cut it out, Stick it up and Photograph it.

It made me think of the concept of framing things, which may be applicable to the National Portrait Gallery brief I am doing next. I like the quirky urban ideas from the outcomes of the competition. I could use actual frames in an outdoor context to frame people and things.

Richard Robinson

Richard Robinson- WOW
Based in London (where else!!?) Art director and Designer. What a gorgeous collection of work.
Beautiful typography and stunning photography as well as a refreshing use of colour.

This logo for Form Music is such a classic and clean design. I really like the interlocking letter forms, similar to my J & R concept. The layout is also quite nice. Final outcome and context of design. I am having issues with presenting my work so this style may work.