Thursday 25 September 2008

What Happens Next?!

This summer was good, sorted me right out, I know where I want to be and what I want to do. I love the creative industry there’s no doubt; but whether I want to be the designer, the one with all the pressure, but losing the creativity along the way is a different story. I’ve always had quite a passion for the art direction side of design as I have a very strict idea on what I like and what I think passes as effective advertising and graphics. Being a Mac monkey is not what drives me, I enjoyed my work experience and learnt so so much but it really did cement the idea that I do not want to be a graphic designer.

If I want to be an account handler I must understand client needs and fine-tune my communication skills so that I can really produce work that the client desires. Collaborative practice is something that I want and need to explore in depth so that I become an effective team player so to speak, voicing my own opinion as well as listening and understanding theirs. I know in the real world I wont always get my own way, pity.

I know i'm not some big shot designer so this year I will not get bogged down by how good Mr & Mrs Smith are in their own field I have my own style and my own aspirations and I am determined to focus on those. Guerrilla style advertising is my favourite area and I would like to peruse this into design for events etc. I want to look at the imaginative side of marketing for companies that are rebranding or simply advertising the latest product or service.

My professional approach to this year is going to focus on treating each day as a working day, it wont stop it being fun, but I will give myself deadlines and stick to them, I know I can do it so this year I will. I want to gain more contacts no just in the creative industry but also large companies that are always looking for exciting projects to be managed.

I’m not shallow but I really do want a nice car and pretty shoes.
No regrets.

3rd Year; a stepping stone into the big wide world.

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